2 white swans on lake during daytime

Stand Up Paddling on the Schlachtensee in Berlin

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It’s Sunday and the sun is shining. We have been invited to try Stand Up Paddling in Berlin on the Schlachtensee. So off to the Schlachtensee in the Grunewald. Before it started with the Stand Up Paddling in Berlin, but we have informed ourselves, what SUP actually is and for whom this sport is suitable.

What is Stand Up Paddling?

Stand Up Paddling (SUP) is a water sport. Standing on a kind of surfboard, you paddle across the water with a stand-up paddle.

Stand Up Paddling in Berlin

Originally, stand up paddling comes from Polynesia. Fishermen moved forward standing, paddling in their canoes. In the 20th century, stand up paddling developed into a method of locomotion for surf instructors in Hawaii. With the help of the paddle, they were able to bridge distances faster and see the surfing students better due to their elevated position. Since the beginning of the 21st century, stand up paddling has become increasingly popular in recreational sports and is now considered a water sport in its own right.

There are even national and international competitions in Stand Up Paddling. The disciplines Stand Up Paddle Surfing and Distance Stand Up Paddling are distinguished. In SUP surfing, the athlete combines surfing with paddling. The paddle is not only used for stabilization, but also as a steering wheel. In Distance Stand Up Paddling longer distances have to be covered.

Who can learn Stand Up Paddling and what do I need?

Stand Up Paddling can be done anywhere there is water. Whether on the sea or in a lake does not matter.
Besides swimwear, in case you fall or jump into the water, you should really only think of enough sun protection. The sun has a much more intense effect on the water.

Then of course you need a paddle and a board. The paddle should be much longer than your body size. In the trade, different materials are offered from fiberglass to simple aluminum – paddles. Also in the area of boards you will find a huge selection. There are different lengths, different weight classes and materials offered. Since a few years there are even inflatable boards, which are easier to transport than the normal boards.

You should bring along some sense of balance if you want to try SUP. As is well known, water has no bars and depending on the board, swell and wind, the board already wobbles a bit.
Otherwise, swimming skills are required. At rental stations there are life jackets for unsure swimmers, but you should already be able to get back on the board alone if you fall off.
I don’t think there are any age restrictions or fitness requirements for stand-up paddling. If you need a break, just stop paddling and you can rest on the board.

Stand Up Paddling in Berlin – Schlachtensee

We have been invited by the team of steh-paddler.com to try Stand Up Paddling in Berlin. In Berlin Zehlendorf at the Schlachtensee directly at the Fischerhütte the stand-up paddlers have their base. Here you can rent different boards or join one of many courses. In addition to an organized children’s birthday party on the water, I find the SUP yoga offer exciting. I have practiced yoga myself for years and also taught children’s yoga, but on the water it must be a completely new experience for the sense of balance. However, we decided to go alone on a board across the Schlachtensee and enjoy the Sunday.

Varius purus

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Originally, stand up paddling comes from Polynesia. Fishermen moved forward standing, paddling in their canoes. In the 20th century, stand up paddling developed into a method of locomotion for surf instructors in Hawaii.

I ♥ Berlin

We were fortunately announced, because in good weather spontaneous visitors have to wait a bit until a board becomes free. But you can still book and pay online for the same day. This has the advantage that you don’t have to bring any valuables (but the team is happy to store them behind their booking counter at your own risk). The boards are rented by the hour (you can get a waterproof watch from the team).
I didn’t count, but there were countless boards in the water in the immediate area in front of the rental. Several kids use a board together, often less for SUP, more as an air mattress substitute, for jumping in or for balance exercises. Fun was clearly the main focus here.

We were given two boards and had our paddles adjusted to the right length. We were asked if we still needed an explanation or knew how stand up paddling works in Berlin. It was clear to me, stand up and start paddling, so we first knelt on the board away from the edge of the shore. The stand up should be tried slowly in the middle of the board, let the knees nice and soft to compensate for the small rocking movements. Once you are standing reasonably securely, stick the paddle far forward into the water and pull it long past the board. Paddle on both sides – otherwise you’ll be going in circles.

We paddled for an hour leisurely across the Schlachtensee and enjoyed the beautiful weather. If you drive a little away from the rental station, it is beautifully quiet on the lake, and you can enjoy the sparkling water and the sun. Simply dreamlike.

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